The Story of Quadro

Celebrating 27 years in Point Grey!

Where did the time go? 

The story of Quadro started in 1996, when my sister Karin and I, two young twenty-somethings, opened our store in this very same location. 

Over time, trends, products and techniques have changed. Wonderful, passionate staff has joined us and has become like family, even when sometimes they have moved on to other careers.

One thing I have discovered during this time is the longer I do what I do, the more passionate I am about my craft. 

Picture framing provides such a wonderful opportunity for creativity and learning.   

One of my favourite aspects of our work is the design portion, which allows us to work together with our clients in creating a beautiful frame design that suits their particular taste and decor. The framing consultation is our time to play , whilst we combine colour and texture. 

Every day, we appreciate the responsibility and trust our clients place on us, to conserve and preserve their artwork. We truly believe that what goes inside your frame is as important as what you see on the outside. From the quality of glass and mats, to tapes and adhesives, our #1 concern is the preservation of the artwork. 

Over the years, I have grown attached to many of my projects and creations, and I often wonder where my work lives. I like the idea that these frames I so carefully created are now part of happy, loving homes. 

Thank you so much for making us part of your community, and for entrusting us with your framing projects.


Tania Gudrian

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